Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Raffy Clothing

I have actually won something and I hardly ever win anything in my life! So first of all I would like to say thank you to Raffy Clothing for this tee I have won. 

The t-shirt that I received I believe is the new tee that they have not long released, it's a simply but quirky design and I personally love the design of the writing of the tee and do you know what!? I really do think that many girls will end up loving their tees too, they are so comforatble and are something for a casual daytime look by styling them up with a pair of skinny jeans or shorts, a pair of boots and maybe a beanie for an urban style look. 

If you don't fancy wearing their black tee they do a white tee so you can choose between the two. Make sure you go and check them out on Twitter @raffyclothing and on Instagram @raffyclothing and buy their tees at www.xposedfashions.co.uk 

Raffy black or white tee which one will you choose? 

Chantelle xo


  1. Ooh I absolutely love the t-shirt you won, so it'd be black for me! Their font is really cute. :D

    Jade x
    jadethejourno.blogspot.co.uk ♡

    1. Yeah the black tee is definitely my fave out of the two :) x

  2. Heyy! I nominated you for the Liester Award! http://littlemiss-e.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/liebester-award-little-miss-e.html xx
