Heya lovelies I have been nominated for the Liebster award by the gorgeous Jade, who's blog is (http://jadethejourno.blogspot.co.uk/) so make sure you take a look! I have heard about this award a lot and have been very interested about it, so thank you to Jade for nominating me.
The rules of the Liebster Award are the following:
- You must link back to the person who nominated you.
- You must answer the 11 questions that were given to you by the person who nominated you.
- After completeing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers and give them 11 questions of your choice to answer (must have less than 200 followers)
- You are not allowed to nominate the person who nominated you.
- Make sure you let the nominee's know that they have been nominated and provide a link to your post for them, so they are able to learn about it.
These are my answers to the questions that Jade provided me with:
1.What's your favourite song right now?
My favourite song at the moment is Ghost by Ella Henderson because I find it so catchy and I can't stop singing it.
2. What are your plans for the summer?
As I have finished college I need to find a full-time job which I have and I am now a care assistant in a care home, my other plans will be to go to the beach as much as I can and to meet up with my friends as much as possible as we won't be able to see each other all the time as some are either going to university soon or will be working all the time.
3.What is the last movie you watched?
I watched one today called R.I.P.D which I really enjoyed and it might be because it had Ryan Reynolds playing a character in it too.
4. What is your favourite animal?
My favourite animal by far is a pug, I literally want one so bad!
5. Do you like to read?
I'm not a massive reader but when I do read it has to be a book that will make me want to read for hours on end.
6. What is your favourite make-up product?
Ooooo this has got to be the Younique false lash mascara I got sent as a gift, it's literally amazing as it makes my eyelashes so long which is good because I have annoying short eyelashes.
7. What things most remind you of your childhood?
When jelly shoes came back into fashion they reminded me of my childhood because I used to wear them all the time and used to have glittery ones. Another thing that reminds me of my childhood is spending time with my two older brothers and how much we used spend so much time with each other and the things we used to do to annoy our parents. They were good times :)
8. How often do you like to blog?
I like to blog at least twice a week but couldn't this week as I have been so busy.
9. Have you ever tried to keep a diary?
I have but it has never lasted long, I would only write inside the diary for a few days and then would give up or forget about it. Sometimes my brothers would find it and break it open so I would just end up throwing it away so they couldn't wind me up about anything that I wrote in it.
10. What is your guilty pleasure?
This has got to be an all you can eat chinese buffet, I love chinese way too much and an all you can eat buffet is just like heaven to me.
11. What is your main ambition for the future?
For me to do my level 4 in Health and Social Care so I can become a manager of a care home and the other one of my main ambitions is to have a family of my own.
The people I nominate to complete the Liebster Award are:
1. May Simpson dropsofbrandy.blogspot.co.uk/
2. Angie ohdaintyduck.blogspot.co.uk/
3. Toni Clarke clarkecouture.blogspot.co.uk
4. Emily Lineham daisychainfashion123.blogspot.co.uk
5. Elisha Juttla elishalifestyleblogger.blogspot.com
6. Sacha Marie Davis girlinthetrilbyhat.blogspot.com
7. Alison Lutz diamondstosand.blogspot.com
8. Sophie Lauren yves-soph-lauren.blogspot.co.uk
9. Lauren Place fashionisafanfare.blogspot.com
10. Brogan McCabe Boogstique.blogspot.co.uk
11. Bimba Beauty bimbabeauty.blogspot.co.uk
Questions for my nominees:
1. Who's your favourite blogger?
2. Where would you love to go on holiday to?
3. What's your favourite clothing brand?
4. How many times a month do you like to blog?
5. Who is your idol and why?
6. Who would you not like to be stranded on a desert island with?
7. What is your favourite colour?
8. What beauty product could you not live without?
9. What is your best beauty tip?
10. What is your favourite film?
11. What's a random fact about you?
Thank you again for my nomination,
Chantelle xo